
The KMA has developed partnership programs based on thoughtful collaboration with schools and community organizations throughout Westchester County.


Thinking Through the Arts

This in-depth, multi-session program is led by KMA’s writer-in-residence, Pamela Hart and reaches approximately 500 students annually in Katonah-Lewisboro, Yonkers, and other school districts. Through the TTA curriculum, students create poetry, and visual art in response to original artworks on view at the KMA. Students practice “reading” art as visual text; observing and analyzing visual information; communicating ideas through discussion; poetry writing and art-making; and public speaking and presentation of their work.

View poetry, artwork, and video from the Fall 2021 program here, American Stories: An exhibition of poems inspired by ARRIVALS.

To see footage from recent Thinking Through the Arts events click here.

Thinking Through the Arts is made possible with support from Rea Charitable Trust, the Thomas and Agnes Carvel Foundation, Gail and Caesar Bryan, and the C. B. Sweatt Foundation.

Thinking Through the Arts engages students' looking, writing, critical thinking and artistic skills.

Sixth grade students from Thomas Cornell Academy in KMA's Sculpture Garden

Thinking Through the Arts culminating poetry and dance presentation by six grade students from Thomas Cornell Academy. Photo by Margaret Fox.


ArteJuntos / ArtTogether

Serving new-immigrant and ESL families, ArteJuntos is the KMA’s nationally recognized art and family literacy program designed to support the literacy and communication development of Pre-K children while promoting parent engagement.  The program impacts children’s visual literacy, observation and critical thinking skills, as well as the parent’s understanding of the value of museums as informal learning spaces for their families.  To facilitate the program, the KMA partners with early childhood centers and community organizations that address family literacy. Currently ArteJuntos serves 110+ families in Ossining, Mt. Kisco,  and Port Chester, NY.

Park school gallery visit

Arte Juntos Museum visit

Arte Juntos/Art Together is supported in part by an award from the National Endowment for the Arts. With additional support from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund and Rebecca Samberg.  
Arte Juntos/Art Together 
es apoyado en parte por un premio del National Endowment for the Arts. Con apoyo adicional de la Rockefeller Brothers Fund  y Rebecca Samberg.


Building Bridges: Prison Arts Initiative      

In 2021, KMA launched a new initiative to engage women incarcerated at the Bedford Hills Correctional Facility and the Taconic Correctional Facility in guided dialogue and poetry writing. With collaborative support from Rehabilitation Through The Arts, the program introduces participants to the poetry of ekphrasis by responding to artworks in KMA exhibitions and builds community, confidence, and creativity, culminating with an event in which participants present their poems. 

View poetry and video from the Fall 2021 poetry readings and exhibition, American Stories: An exhibition of poems inspired by ARRIVALS.

Building Bridges: Prison Arts Initiative is sponsored by a Humanities New York Action Grant with support from the National Endowment for the Humanities..  



The Artist / Writer in Residence Program

A visiting artist can integrate the Museum visit into your art, language arts, and social studies curricula. Contact the Curator of Education, 914-232-9555, ext. 2969 to discuss possibilities.